In this week’s podcast I share a word the Lord gave me about this current season. The Lord is in the midst of a global reformation. But, I have also felt that He is also in the midst of reforming Bethel Church. A couple months ago at a Senior Leadership meeting we were talking about transition and when I got up to speak I heard the Lord say: “You’re not going through a transition, you are going through a metamorphosis.” I immediately began to think about the caterpillar to butterfly transition.
When I began to research about the metamorphosis process in a caterpillar's life I found it is a 2 week process, but if you open the cocoon before it is time the caterpillar will die. What I am getting at is that pain has a purpose. There is a lot of pain in culture right now, but I would propose that God is creating capacity so that something can be beautiful. I’d propose that we are not in a seasonal change, but that we are being changed.
Consider the parable of the ten minas in
Luke 19
- the servant that was faithful with little was given responsibility over 10 cities. Often, when God rewards you it’s not with more money, but with more responsibility. The challenge is we often receive the reward and still have old thinking. Yet, in a time of change, learners inherit the earth — we must stay lifelong learners.
I’d propose we are in the midst of building strong wings and the Lord is increasing our capacity. We are going somewhere we have never been before. If we are going to change the world we have to think big.
Sometimes we have too much confidence in the structure God built, versus the God that built the structure. When it comes time for change we are holding to the structure we are familiar with. But, we need to start thinking from the future to the present. Now let me be clear, sometimes we have to heal our past to build our future, but we must not stay there. We must honor the past, live in the present, but look to the future — we must think from the future to the present in order to prepare for what is to come.
I want to encourage you; God is in the midst of raising up people that will be strategists, kiros conductors, and builders. He is preparing us for something that has never been built before.