COVID has the world grappling with uncertainty on unprecedented levels right now. Many of us have been hunkering down for months, looking for any discernible sign of the way forward; however, while the world is rushing around looking for a cure, as we should be, God is looking at the hearts of His people. What do you suppose He’s finding?
I’ve shared this several times, but on the 27th of March this year, I woke early in the morning to a loud voice in my spirit that said, “Humility is the way forward.” Though I know many of you reading this have grown weary in this treacherous season of uncertainty and trial, I want to remind you that GOD IS IN CHARGE! He’s guiding us through, but my question to you is: will you humble yourself and follow His lead? With that being said, there are four things we must understand about humility as we proceed forward with God:
Don’t you see? What the enemy has meant for evil in our lives, God is using for good! As God’s people humble themselves and seek His face, I believe we will arise with clear vision and move past the confusion of this season. It was in the early morning hours recently, that I felt strongly in my spirit to curate a prophetic series that would release radical faith over you and dispel any fears that may be gripping your heart amid these challenging times. Below you will find a handpicked collection of podcasts that will empower you to walk in powerful humility and see clearly through the chaos. I’m calling it The Way Forward Podcast Series. I pray it blesses you.
In the first podcast of this series, you will discover what the enemy means for evil, the Lord is using for good in your life. I share what I see God doing in the midst of these challenging times and I practically teach how God is strategically guiding us forward in this season through humility!
How do we live without fear? In this podcast, I teach how to overcome fear and step into your promised land. We don’t have to reduce our destinies to accommodate our fears. You must know that no matter what situation we are facing in the world, we don’t have to live in fear! Another resource I've created for those who want to conquer fear, check out my blog, 4 Prophetic Insights to Conquering The Equal Opportunity Destroyer.
Did you know that the personal revival you seek in this season will be fueled by the community around you? In this podcast, I teach about the key role that spiritual fathers and mothers have our walk with Jesus as well as why community is vital to traversing through trials. You were never made to do life alone!
There is a war on who gets to shape history. In this podcast, I encourage us to be aware of the authority we have as sons and daughters of God on the earth. God is giving us divine wisdom for heavenly solutions to the world’s complex problems!
Can you see what God is doing in this season? In this podcast, I continue my sermon on the War of the Worlds. There are angels sent to help us, and it’s imperative that we press in and join with what God is doing. I want to encourage you to be aware of the spirit realm and what God is bringing about on the earth in this hour!
How do we lead in a crisis? In this podcast, I teach from Nehemiah to give a blueprint with keys for building in troubled times. I want to encourage you today no matter what our world is facing, God is giving us hope and solutions!
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