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 Kris Vallotton | Jan 14, 2023

In this message from September 26th, 2010 at Bethel Church in Redding CA, Kris Vallotton shares about the relationship between faith and works. He encourages us that in the kingdom, “small keys open big doors” and God honors even our smallest acts of faith. He invites us into a holy discontentment to leave our place of security and step out with Him. 


- In Luke 17, Jesus restores ten men with leprosy and these men were only healed after they began their journey to present themselves to the priest. In the same way, sometimes the Lord will require us to do what we can do before He will do what He can do. 

- Hebrews 11 is filled with examples of men and women who were recognized as heroes of the faith though their actions do not seem very heroic. 

  • Abel brought an acceptable offering to God.
  • Rahab welcomed the spies into her home.
  • Abraham left his home city.
  • Moses’ parents hid him for three months. 

- We often think in order for God to move, we have to do something profound when God is simply looking for obedience and small acts of faith. 

“But someone will say, “You have faith and I have works.” Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.” James 2:18 

- Throughout scripture, faith is connected to action and in James, Paul argues that his faith was evident because of his actions.

- As the saying goes, “Getting into the kingdom is free but from here on out, it will cost you everything!”

- God requires faith to have action and it is directly related to God’s interaction with us. 

- In the kingdom, small keys open big doors. In baptism, a small step of going under the water is an act of faith with an endowment of power for the nations! (Mark 16:16-19)

- We get so intrigued by grace that we forget it is by grace through faith and following God isn’t about being rational but obedient. Like Abraham, sometimes following God is about leaving and not knowing where you are going but knowing you can’t stay where you are.

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Psalm 119:105


- This verse describes two different seasons: the lamp season and the light season. Lamp seasons are times when all we can see is the next step but there is no clarity for the future. Light seasons are moments where the path is lit and we can clearly see where we are going. 

- In this season, a holy discontentment is inviting us to leave our place of security and step out. It is time to take action on what God is telling us to do.


Luke 17:11-19; Hebrews 11; Matthew 14:22-33

Two men running down a beach in the sand with the sun behind them.
By Kris Vallotton 30 Jun, 2023
In this clip from Bethel Leaders Advance from April 19th, 2018, at Bethel Church in Redding, CA, Kris Vallotton shares with leader’s about God’s heart disciple nations. He highlights the importance of God’s people to be a light on a hill and that the natural byproduct of his restoration and blessing of the Church is that it would heal and transform the cities and nations around us.
Father and son walking by the beach with a blue sky in winter wearing jackets and boots
By Kris Vallotton 23 Jun, 2023
In this Father's Day sermon from June 18th, 2023, at Bethel Church in Redding, CA, Kris Vallotton shares an inspiring message on the importance of fatherhood and the role men carry as protectors, providers and promoters for their families and communities. He highlights the transformative impact fathers have in calling their children into purpose and shaping their destinies. Join us as we honor fathers and recognize the profound impact they have on shaping lives and futures.
National Aquarium Denmark, Kastrup, Denmark architecture with light sky and orange light
By Kris Vallotton 16 Jun, 2023
In this message from June 23rd, 2019, at Bethel Church in Redding, CA, Kris Vallotton delivers a powerful sermon titled, "Becoming a Cultural Architect." Vallotton highlights the importance of shaping culture and the role we play as believers in this process. There is a war happening to shape the mindset of this generation and Kris reminds us to embrace our Isaiah 61 calling, to make disciples of nations and positively impact the culture around us.
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