It is not only important what
we listen to but also how
we listen. In this podcast, I teach the importance of the lenses we process life through. I want to encourage you today to see through the eyes of Christ!
Also, in case you missed it, my newest book Spiritual intelligence is finally here, and it’s ready for pre-order!
If you desire to dive deep into the art of thinking like God and grow as a spiritually intelligent solutionary, then I have a BONUS GIFT for you when you pre-order my new book — free registration to my 3-day Spiritual Intelligence Digital Summit that I will begin hosting on October 20, 2020.
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It’s important to have
core values
and understand the way we see the world. We are living in an intense time.
“So take care
how you listen; for whoever has, to him more shall be given; and whoever does not have, even what he thinks he has shall be taken away from him.”
Luke 8:18, emphasis mine.
We have to take care how we listen! All of us speak with an accent. You don’t know you have one until you meet someone with a different one.
We all see the world through a lens. We don’t even know we’re seeing it this way. It’s like seeing the world with an accent, and we think it’s the only way to see the world, until we meet someone who sees things differently.
“and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.”
John 8:32.
For example, before I met the Lord, I never knew authority that empowered people. When I got saved, I was introduced to a spiritual father, and I met another a few years later, and of course met Bill Johnson. These people began to teach me what a father was and cleaned my glasses.
We tend to see what we’re prepared to see, and you don’t see things the way they are, you see things the way you are. Feelings are important. Feelings are great servants but they are terrible masters.
Core values determine the way we see God and the events we attribute to God. For example, if you get a flat tire on the way to church when you’re the speaker:
- Third heaven: God gave me a flat tire.
- Second heaven: The devil did it.
- First heaven: I should have bought new tires.
Core values are our apostolic distinctions. For example, John the Baptist and Jesus were very different in their ministry. Their disciples were different. John's disciples fasted, Jesus’ feasted.
As far as we know John never did a miracle. Jesus gets baptized in John’s ministry. John and Jesus were both in the Kingdom. They were both right but very different.
Apostolic distinctions:
- We gather because we love, not because we agree.
- Denominationalism you gather when you agree and divide when you disagree. In apostleships the core bonding point isn’t agreement, it’s love.
The law says: You must carry my burdens for a mile
Love says: I’ll carry them for two
Law says: Love your neighbor
Love says: Love your enemies and do good to those who hate you.
The law says: I have rights
Love says: I have responsibility
The law says: Stand up for yourself
Love says: Lay down your life for others
The law says: Eye for an eye
Love says: Forgive those who hurt you.
Love requires more than law. You don’t have to agree with someone to love them. God is calling us back to honor, humility, not judging people, and being gracious to people who don’t deserve it.
Luke 8:18, John 8:32, Matthew 7:1-5, Mark 4:24, Ephesians 4:23, Joshua 1:8, Romans 8:28, Romans 8:37, 1 Peter 2:9, Jeremiah 28:11, 1 John 4:18