- When Moses would go to the tent of meeting and God’s presence came down, the people would stand at their tents to worship but Moses and Joshua would stand at the tent of meeting (Exodus 33:7-15). Like the Israelites, some will try to worship within their comfort zone but you can’t worship without sacrifice.
- Moses had an “issue” with God. He loved speaking with God face to face at the tent of meeting but he needed God’s presence with him all the time. He needed the “tent of meeting” experience when he wasn’t at the tent. He was so desperate for God’s presence that he refused to go into the promised land without Him.
- There will always be a high value for “at the tent” encounter moments with God during corporate worship settings. The concern is that the Church calls the “at the tent” moments worship, but doesn’t call everything else we do worship though we have dedicated our bodies to the Lord. (Romans 12:1) In doing so, we have unintentionally created dualistic Christians who believe that worship has something to do with music instead of sacrifice.
- We need the Lord outside of the church more than in the church yet we have trained ourselves to believe that corporate worship has to happen for God to show up powerfully.
- When you received Jesus Christ you became a living sacrifice and there is no separation of sacred and secular. Now everything you do is kingdom work. What the worship leader does with a guitar is no more holy than what a mechanic does with his tools in a shop.
- There is power in the belief systems we have around worship. What you believe matters because beliefs are like keys to unlock doors and it is important that what you believe is true. John 8:32 says, “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” We all have faith in something. Fear is faith in the wrong God and unlocks the door to evil in our lives.
- If we don’t believe that something can happen until worship music is playing, it doesn’t happen not because it can’t but because we don’t believe it will. The invitation is to enjoy corporate worship without creating an expectation that you need it in order for the presence of God to go with you.
- In the New Testament, there was not much emphasis on worship bands. Instead we see the example of Paul and Silas worshiping in prison. The world was rocked by followers of Jesus who sought his kingdom first and believed they carried the presence of God wherever they went. (Matthew 28:19-20)
- In Ezekiel 47:1-12, we see the image of a river flowing from the sanctuary. It is flowing from worship but as it leaves the temple, the river becomes deeper. In the same way, the greatest miracles happen outside the church walls. Sometimes all we want to do is be in the sanctuary but God wants what is happening in the church to impact the nations. God wants salvation and he wants to transform nations.
- In Isaiah 58:1-12, God was not pleased that his people loved his presence but that his presence wasn’t affecting change in their city or helping the poor and broken. What God is looking for is humility that manifests his presence to those around you.
- There is a huge pressure to be relevant in culture but the truth is, His presence makes you relevant. John the Baptist preached a hard message yet all of Israel came to listen because he carried the presence of God. (Matthew 3:1-10)
- The church has become like culture but God is saying to the church, “‘Arise and shine!” not arise and reflect. Let us love the hell out of people and live each day with God’s presence believing that anything can happen! This is your commissioning!
Exodus 33:7-15; Romans 12:1; Matthew 6:33; Acts 15:16-18; Isaiah 54:14; Matthew 28:19-20